Global Resiliency Dialogue

Buildings and people are facing increasingly severe natural hazards caused by extreme weather.
This increased risk is felt by countries around the world.
International collaboration can lead to deeper understanding and better outcomes.

Global Building Resilience Guidelines

The Global Resiliency Dialogue (GRD) announced the publication of the Global Building Resilience Guidelines at the 27th UN Conference of the Parties (COP27) in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt on at the Buildings Pavilion. View the presentation below.

The Guidelines are based on the findings of two prior surveys conducted by the GRD and provide a framework for jurisdictions around the world to consider as they work to effectively integrate future鈥慺ocused climate science into building codes and standards.
Access both the full publication and summary document below.

Delivering Climate Resilient Building Codes and Standards

Representatives from the Global Resiliency Dialogue announced the release of the new publication, Delivering Climate Resilient Building Codes and Standards in a hybrid presentation during COP26 in Glasgow.
Access the report and view the presentation below.

Building code developers/researchers from Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States have launched the Global Resiliency Dialogue, a joint initiative to inform the development of building codes that draw on both building science and climate science to improve the resilience of buildings and communities to intensifying risks from weather-related natural hazards.

The Findings on Changing Risk and Building Codes statement outlines the work to be undertaken by the members of the Global Resiliency Dialogue, including:

  • Identifying strategies for the identification of future risks and the development of building code solutions that support adaptation to those risks
  • Cooperating on the development of international building resilience guidelines and further exploration of the relationship with land use planning instruments that help determine the location of buildings
  • Supporting research initiatives to better understand climate science, to assist in aligning expectations for building durability and resilience with the projection of future hazards
  • Developing and deploying messages and resources that enhance understanding of building codes, support a common understanding of risk and communicate the importance of up-to-date building codes
  • Advancing risk and impact analysis to recognize the multiple economic and social benefits provided by resilience investments and the desirability of alternative approaches that fully capture the benefits and costs provided by the building codes

The survey findings of the first Global Resiliency Dialogue international survey were published in January 2021 in the report, The Use of Climate Data and Assessment of Extreme Weather Event Risks in Building Codes Around the World. The survey, which was circulated to building code development and research organizations around the world, was designed to help illuminate – in detail – how climate-based risks are currently considered within national building codes and standards. It includes an exploration of the types of codes (building, fire, energy, electrical, plumbing, etc.) that rely on climate-related data to support their requirements, as well as the source of that climate data, how it is communicated, and how often it is updated.

Get Involved!

  • Join the initiative by signing on as an endorsing organization (public sector or NGO) or a supporting private sector business.

Building Code Development/Research Organization Signatories

Endorsing Organizations

Private Sector Business Supporters