
2022 International Code Council


A letter from our President and CEO

2022 was a year of growth for the International Code Council. We continued to evolve as an organization, and we inspired many people to join us in our vision of creating safe, affordable, and sustainable buildings and communities. We hope we inspired you too!

Expanding our global reach was a priority in 2022. Not only did we lead important conversations on building safety and create the resources that communities and professionals around the world needed to solve challenges in the built environment, but we also opened our new office in Australia.

As always, our customers and members came first. To better serve you, we developed new solutions and offerings, made improvements to our digital code platform, and expanded our codification services.

We brought the industry together for critical conversations. In October, we hosted an all-day water conservation and efficiency event in Washington, D.C. We also gathered with leading fire safety professionals in Colorado for a wildfire safety forum, we helped launch the White House-sponsored National Initiative to Advance Building Codes, and we collaborated with the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to issue a first-of-its-kind agency-wide building code strategy.

The Code Council made advancements in our code development process. The ¹û¶³Ö±²¥ Board of Directors approved changes to the hearings schedule beginning in 2024 that will foster a more in-depth vetting of code change proposals, which directly impacts the quality of the codes building safety professionals turn to every day. These changes support our goal of an open, inclusive and transparent governmental consensus process.

Your association continues to be an innovative and groundbreaking thought leader. In 2022, we released new resources for safety professionals including the Decarbonization Report, the Primer on Off-site Construction, and a guideline on International Tiny House Provisions. Code Council staff and members spoke at many events around the world on topics such as best practices in building safety, building regulatory systems, safeguarding our water resources, and realizing a climate resilient future.

The building safety community is made up of a diverse group of professionals with a wide range of knowledge, expertise and backgrounds. The Code Council family of solutions continues to embrace inclusivity. We welcome everyone who wants to get involved and engaged with building safety.

As we reflect on 2022, there is no doubt that we are a thriving organization and that we will continue to lead the way in building safety – and we won't do it alone. We applaud our partners, chapters, and all local jurisdictions that put building safety first, this year and always.

Dominic Sims, CBO
Chief Executive Officer
International Code Council

Michael P. Wich
Code Council Board of Directors



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